You Can't Win, Until...
Recently, the seven-time champion and new TV analyst Tom Brady uttered a quote that instantly got my attention. He said "You can't win until you keep from losing". He attributed the words to his coach Bill Belichick, that they were stressed to his players about the critical importance of avoiding mistakes that derail you from winning.
I knew there was a nugget of wisdom there that could be applied to how we handle our finances according to scripture. Today, we'll cover some key fundamentals from God's Word about our finances, and how avoiding the thoughts, behaviors and actions which can keep us from being where we want to be.
"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house..." (Malachi 3:10). In many households that are not bringing the tithes to His house, it is because of neglecting to place God at the front of the line after they are paid. Then Sunday arrives and they say "I don't have enough to tithe." The way we keep from falling short in this area is to put God first. When you're paid, write out that check or click to give online that same day.
It may be a struggle to begin, but we'll learn so much from it - the peace that comes from aligning our hearts properly, we will reduce or remove some discretionary spending to accommodate giving to the Lord first, and we'll see God fulfill what he promised later in that verse... that He will open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to contain it. That sounds like winning.
"I have learned to be content in whatever state I am" (Philippians 4:11). What is it that "drives" us to purchase the unnecessary or the extravagant and beyond reasonable things which end up plunging us into debt? If we look back on some of our past purchases, we'd have to agree the thoughts then were "I won't be happy unless I have this, or have a better, newer version of this, or subscribe to that service".
Included in this chapter, Paul shared how he was able to be content despite humble and straitened circumstances - which were much more challenging than nearly all of us experience. He said "I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me." He leaned and trusted on Christ constantly, and we can also... to say NO to that temptation to overspend. He also eluded to a desirable result in 1 Timothy 6:6, that "Godliness accompanied with contentment is great and abundant gain." That sounds like winning.
"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." (Hebrews 13:16). What may cause us to "forget", or choose not to be generous toward others? If we are honest, it can come from having a singular focus on ourselves, and from cultivating a fear that if we give, we will then not have enough.
However, God chooses in His Word to squash that type of thinking. He does so in the beauty of connecting the promises of His care towards those who give:
Luke 6:38 - give and it will be given to you
Proverbs 22:9 - the generous will themselves be blessed
Proverbs 28:27 - those who give to the poor will lack nothing
2 Corinthians 9:7 - for God loves a person who gives cheerfully
That sounds like winning.
"Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love one another." (Romans 13:8). What are two factors of being in debt? I would point to first the obvious of spending more than we make, and second the effects of compound interest. We make the choices, sometimes bit-by-bit in accumulating smaller purchases that stack up on our credit card. Also, in accepting large and long-lasting commitments resulting in monthly payments.
One of the best tools to help here is time... use time to your advantage. Before making a sizeable purchase, take time to assess if you really need the item at all, or need to be considering that level of the purchase (brand, features, type). Take time to view your credit card statement online regularly, so you can monitor where you are at and make adjustments to your spending during the month before your bill arrives. Before taking on monthly payments, take plenty of time to review how the future payments can fit in (or not) to your larger financial goals.
It is the effect of compound interest that makes it challenging to extricate from being in debt and being behind every month... to emerging into not only being able to pay for most purchases as they arise, but save and invest and receive the benefits of compound interest working in your favor. That sounds like winning.
To get in a little deeper on this topic, I encourage you to utilize the Archives section of this blog and view the post titled "Paying For Things" from August 2015. In it, we covered the three ways you can pay for things: borrowing, money on hand, and saving. I liken those three stages very much towards the concept of how we cannot win in our finances until we keep from losing.
Lastly, be encouraged that you can win, by this short, simple and powerful verse from Matthew 19:26:
"But with God all things are possible"
God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,