Aug 1, 2012

Putting First Things First

We all know inside there are things we need to do, but have been putting off. Is getting your household finances in order one of those things? Is your debt load worse today than it was a few years ago? If we do not take steps to remove our debt burden, it will stay and even increase. Settling inside that you will be a debt-free household will prove to be a monumental decision that you will never regret.

Visible – Write out your monthly expenses for all categories covering all amounts, if you cannot account for it all; write down every expense for a month or two. This is one of the most important tools you will ever use because it shows where your spending actually is, many people are stunned when they see their results. If you are not currently tithing (giving 10% to the Lord), make a second monthly expense sheet that includes tithing.

Invisible – God has a great plan for us in every area of life, including finances.He so deeply loves you and wants to show Himself powerfully to you. Take that step of faith in tithing to the Lord, and trust Him, for He promises to “pour you out a blessing” and to “rebuke the devourer” (read Malachi 3:10-11). He even precludes this to say “prove Me now by it”. I say there is more risk to keep that money for myself and try to get by, than to tithe to the Lord, for He will prove to be faithful to His Word.

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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