Mar 1, 2013

The Truth About Our Finances

The Word tells us that God is Truth, and how He desires for us to live in truth, “Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart” (Psalm 51:6). Have we considered how this relates to our finances?

The tools of the marketplace scream to us that we can have it all now, but then what happens when those bills become due? How is your financial condition today compared with a year ago? Are you deeper in debt… with less savings? Sometimes an emergency with our car, home, or medical need can trip us up, but is our normal spending at a rate that if any wrinkle occurs we end up deeper in debt?

The solution is found in Proverbs 21:20, “There are precious treasures and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a self-confident and foolish man swallows it up and wastes it”. God’s Word is simply telling us to spend less than what we make, that is the truth speaking to us. We frequently deceive ourselves that we can have many discretionary purchases now with no consequences ahead. That is a lie which becomes more visible when the bills arrive each month.

Visible – review your recent credit card and other bills, look for the purchases made that were optional or excessive, and what affect they had on your ability to be ahead at the end of the month, to spend less than what you made. Make a truthful assessment of how important it is for you to have that item instead of the peace knowing you can meet your obligations and even emergencies that could arise.

Invisible – Ask the Lord to provide wisdom for you the next time you are confronted with making a discretionary purchase, whether large or small. We can expect His direction continually – “You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to honor and glory” (Psalm 73:24). By starting to listen for and respond to His guidance in this area, we can also more clearly hear His voice in other areas as well.

God bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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