Oct 1, 2016

Choose This Day

    Choose This Day

         Soon, most of us will choose and elect leaders in government.  It should be valued - as many have given their lives for us to have this right, and also given importance as believers in Christ should weigh the attributes of godly leaders written in scripture, seek His face for wisdom and choose accordingly. 

      There is a choice we make each day that is written in Joshua 24, "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve."  This verse is meant to encompass every area of our lives, now consider how it relates to the way you manage your finances.

        Just like the statistics published of your favorite sport, test scores received, or even your device monitoring steps taken each day, your finances are easily measurable and show where your choices are being made and if you are successful reaching your goals.

        Every time you spend money, you are making a choice.  You're choosing what you have "traded" or exchanged for the hours you have worked to earn that money.  You should weigh whether what you're acquiring is worth the ____ hours you've worked to purchase it. Also think about when paying interest that you're trading hours worked just for having something sooner, not for the item itself.

       Each day we can make choices that will allow us spend less than we make (illustrated in Proverbs 21:20), providing the opportunity to reduce our debt load.  We can choose to...

        Reduce or cut out the trips to the expensive coffee shop, even brew some at home

        Spend less going out to lunch by occasionally taking a few minutes to pack a meal

        Seek out a less costly phone/internet/cable plan, capturing the savings every month

        Shop for used cars (research for reliable models) instead of buying new or leasing

        Ask God for wisdom when considering any substantial purchase

        Monitor our credit card spending in real time, not just when the bill arrives

        Give tithes and offerings to the Lord, which blesses us now and in heaven

        These are just a few examples, you can think of more specific one for your household.

      Lastly, in Matthew 6 verse 21 Jesus said "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."  Christ was illuminating the difference between placing our affection on this world and on God's Kingdom.  The two preceding verses clarify where our aim should be - "Do not gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust and worm consume and destroy, and where thieves break through and steal.  But gather and heap up and store for yourselves treasures in heaven."

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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