Nov 1, 2016

Time For Your Money

          “Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil”, is written in Ephesians 5:16 so that we would regard how valuable time is in our lives – to be used wisely towards His purposes.

          The Bible has over 2,000 references to money and resources in its pages. Combined with knowing that God also sees how we spend our time as important, let’s explore how we can put these together to achieve success in our finances.

          In Proverbs 23 it says “Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, and look well to your herds; For riches are not forever; does a crown endure to all generations?” Most of us don’t have flocks or herds, however it is speaking to our finances/wealth/possessions.

          If the only serious time you consider your finances is sitting down to pay your bills, you’ve missed the opportunity to plan in a way that will bring benefits far into your future. I’m not speaking towards long-term planning for retirement – that comes later. This is about simple short-term planning that anyone can implement easily.

          If you simply take some time to plan out some purchases or provide for needs which you know of, it can save you money every time. Consider these:

$ - You will minimize eating/drinking out if you bring coffee, lunch or drinks along with you instead of stopping to purchase them from vending machines, convenience stores and restaurants.
$ - You’ll save on groceries by planning ahead with a list (and sticking to it), cutting out coupons, shopping sales and buying in bulk. You can avoid the expensive convenience/drug store trips for small things this way.
$ - You can save automobile expenses, by utilizing an app like GasBuddy that instantly shows you the best prices nearby, and by also handling small things like oil changes and minor repairs yourself (YouTube can help here).
$ - You can avoid credit card interest charges by planning and saving for significant purchases in advance. Check out Craigslist or other sites for bargains on many pre-owned items.

          We can make the most of our time by getting before the Lord about our finances. Be honest and talk with Him about your financial shortcomings – just like any other area. Ask Him for wisdom and for patience in making decisions about spending. He promises to grant wisdom to those who are humble enough to ask for it.

          Another best way to use time is with patience… when confronted with a sizeable purchase take two weeks to mull it over, see what the Lord provides with direction and also to test your heart if you really want that item. There will be times which given that pause you will select to either wait and save up for it or to not buy it at all.

          The verse that preceded our opening scripture in Ephesians gives a clear direction to proceed, “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people).” God’s blessings will follow your finances as you practice His ways in them.

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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