Dec 1, 2019

Reading vs. Playing

Reading vs. Playing

"But be doers of the Word, and not merely listeners to it..." 

          We likely can recall this verse from James 1:22, and if we've thought about it, we know how penetrating those words are... challenging us inside and calling us to action. 

          Imagine going to a concert - the lights comes on, the performer comes out... and then just reads the sheet music. That sounds absurd, but consider it from God's perspective - if we receive these treasures of knowledge from Him without doing them.

          Look again at the illustration above. Think about the Word of God (and the wisdom it contains) as the sheet music on the left. We can read entire chapters or just one verse - but God always intended for His Word... as if it were music, to not only be read or listened to, but to be PLAYED by His people.

          With our finances we have "sheet music", written of tithing to the Lord, keeping out of debt and owing nothing except to love one another, learning contentment, spending less than we make, giving to those in need and being generous.

          See the baby above at the keyboard? Obviously it does not know how to create meaningful music yet, but by just pressing the keyboard... and hearing the sounds, that feedback will lead to learning how to play sweet music one day.

          In the areas that we're only reading or listening, we need to extend our hand like that baby. It matters not what it sounds like or the initial level of our success, just that we're reaching out in faith - and hearing the notes we're playing.

          Some of the response to the notes we play is promised to be delivered by the hand of the Lord. It's written in Malachi 3 that in response to our tithing, the Lord will pour out a blessing "that there shall not be room enough to receive it". In Proverbs 11:25 it says "A generous person will prosper, and anyone who gives water will receive a flood in return."

         So no matter where the area is within God's Word, be mindful of the life and the divine nature that it has - but only if it moves off the page and is PLAYED by you. Look at this renewed effort by yourself in how Psalms 98:1 begins "Sing to the Lord a new song..."

          Lastly, look to this reward in store from 1 Corinthians 2:9 - "What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him."

God Bless you may He show Himself greatly to you,



Nov 2, 2019

Seeds from A to Z

Seeds from A to Z

          "The wise also will hear and increase in learning, and the person of understanding will acquire skill and attain to sound counsel (so that he may be able to steer his course rightly)." (Proverbs 1:5)

          You likely want to reduce and get out of debt, and you may be implementing some efforts to do so. This month I would like to trigger your brain-storming abilities with 26 ideas - seeds you can plant right now to either get you on the path or to provide additional leverage towards becoming debt-free.

Apps - from GasBuddy, ibotta, Grocery iQ,, RetailMeNot, SnipSnap to many more, there are convenient and fast ways to save on everyday purchases.
Bring - bring coffee, snacks and lunch with you to work a portion of the week. Bring soft drinks, water and snacks to events to avoid paying high prices there.
Coupons - it takes just a minute to flip through the ads and clip out savings to stretch your food budget each week.

Deductibles - consider raising your insurance deductibles for auto, homeowners and medical coverage. Do annual research to ensure you are receiving the best value.
End of season - leverage the retailers' need to remove seasonal merchandise, saving 25-50% or more. You cannot see that % level of return on any investment you make.
Frequency - repeated expenses should be looked at closely for areas to reduce or eliminate, for in doing so you will reap the benefits each week/month.

Generic - consider and try the store brand items. Most are made at the same factory as the national brands and also offer 100% guarantees of satisfaction, so there is nothing to lose.
Humility - our pride influences us to making unwise financial decisions. Worrying about others is a snare to avoid if we are going to advance towards becoming debt-free.
Install - putting in caulking, weather stripping, sealants, programmable thermostats, insulation and energy-efficient items will save money for us each month.

Joy - Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before Him. Think about the joy of experiencing each debt going away, it will encourage you through this process.
Keep - keep a running grocery list at home - it will help reduce extra trips, and when you are at the store stick to this list and avoid impulse purchases.
Library - in addition to books, for entertainment they have videos and music all for free. You've already paid for these items with your tax dollars, so go take advantage of them.

Monitor - your credit card spending. Go online and view your charges weekly, so you can stay within your budget and avoid a surprise when the bill arrives at the end of the month.
Needs - sit down and soberly assess what are your needs vs. your wants. Make quality decisions to prioritize your spending based on this and your goals to reduce debt.
Online - many national chains offer free and discounted meals by signing up with them online. and Groupons can greatly reduce your dining and leisure expenses. View it as they are paying you to eat at their restaurants versus a competitor.

Pre-owned - before just automatically buying new, look on CraigsList and other sites to see if a suitable used one is available. It's very easy and can save you a bundle. 
Quit - look at what memberships or subscriptions you are not using or getting value for, quit them and use that monthly savings to pay down debt.
Research - for substantial purchases, go online for reviews and specifications, or to your library to see Consumer Reports recommendations - they will steer you to the right brands.

Set - set limits on gifts that work with your budget. It can be tempting to go overboard, but remember it is the thought that counts, and not necessarily being extravagant.
Tithes - our first priority is to honor the One who created us and keeps us. The Lord promises to pour out a bountiful blessing to those who are faithful to Him (Malachi 3:9-10).
Used Cars - consider going used and saving as much as 40% for a 3-year old model. Utilize Consumer Reports recommendations for the most reliable models.

Vending Machines - should be avoided along with convenience stores. Planning ahead to bring beverages and snacks can keep us from these very expensive alternatives.
Wait - before making a substantial or discretionary purchase... wait for at least a day or two. This will prove how much you really want it and helps prevent having regrets afterwards.
X-Ray - tracking and viewing every expense is what I call an X-Ray. As it illuminates all of the hidden areas of spending we lose sight of. This is the single most beneficial task you can complete - it will stun you in some areas and show you exactly where you can change.

Yourself - realize that YOU have the power to make the changes which will change your path towards financial victory. The smallest positive result will show that power to you.
Zero Balance - make a goal to focus on your smallest debt, and stay on that one debt until it is at a zero balance. Then take that payment and move towards the next smallest debt.

          Lastly, in considering these ideas as seeds you can plant, take this verse with you as an encouragement to stay the course: "And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint." (Galatians 6:9)

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


Oct 5, 2019

Building Blocks

Building Blocks

          The photo above is from the lobby of our church. Printed on the wood blocks are our Core Values as a body of Christ. I'd like to share how these values can help us to be obedient and become victorious in our finances.

          It's OK not to be OK - nearly everyone including myself has overspent, made mistakes and experienced significant debt along with the stress that accompanies it. Jesus said "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

          If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got - this is graphically true in our finances, because we can measure it by our debt load, which will continue to increase - especially because of interest charges, until we have a change of heart. God will help bring that change if we sincerely ask Him to.

            We are not afraid to get out of the boat - it takes faith to take God at His Word. First to honor Him by giving our tithes and offerings to Him, and in return He promises in Malachi 3 to "rebuke the devourer" and to "pour out a blessing". God even says to "test Me now by this" in His supreme assurance that He will show Himself faithful back to us.

          We get off the sidelinesNext, by looking closely at our spending, making wise choices to reduce waste and overindulgence so we can pay down debt. This will move us towards being a lender and not a borrower (Deuteronomy 15:6) and for being obedient to the Lord it continues in chapter 28 to say "He will bless all the work of our hands".

          He gave extravagantly, so we give extravagantly - in our finances, and also our time and talents be sensitive to the Holy Spirit speaking to you to help others in need. 2 Corinthians 9 tells us that God loves and takes pleasure in a cheerful, joyous giver whose heart is in his or her giving.

          When you're green, you grow. When you're ripe you rot - as we yield to God's will in our finances, that agreement will flow towards obedience in other areas to the Lord. This aligns with Romans 8:29 that God destined those He foreknew to be conformed to the image of His Son.

          As a family, we go - it is key to have both spouses and families cooperating together towards eliminating debt, all rowing in the same direction. With all making some sacrifices towards this worthy goal. In our household, my father said he could see that God was blessing our efforts because of our unity together in the process. 

          We are serious about the discipline of joy - build into this debt-freedom effort rewards for accomplishments, like when paying off a smaller debt or a credit card. It will keep you and your family motivated, have them all provide input for the rewards. Plan for major celebrations when paying off a car or especially the mortgage!

          Just because you've handled your finances a certain way does not mean that has to continue. It is written in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that any person in Christ is a new creation, the old has passed away, and the fresh and new has come. See yourself as that new creation by God in every area... including your finances.

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


Sep 1, 2019

Gaining Ground

Gaining Ground

          In Luke 14:28, Jesus said "For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?" Jesus frequently spoke in parables to convey His message in terms people could relate to - in this instance, the cost of discipleship.  With many looking to football starting again, I want to share some ways to view paying off debt and gaining ground in a similar manner.

          We may begin a month at 1st down and 10 yards to go, but if we spend more than we make we've been sacked - and now face more than 10 yards for the next month. Proverbs 21:20 illustrates that "precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it". It is simply saying the foolish man wasted and spent everything he earned, while the wise man spent less than he made.

          But it gets worse from there, since we've usually borrowed that excess amount on our credit cards, we get hit with a "penalty" on top of the loss of yardage in the form of interest (averaging 14%), so figuratively we may be looking at 2nd down and 20 yards (or more) for the next month.

          So how do we gain ground? Just like in the real game, we run the ball and take a modest gain - by going back to Proverbs 21:20 and spending less than we make the next month. The good news is we have more than four downs to make up the lost yardage, just "advance the ball" a portion each month. As you are encouraged by the results you will think of additional ways to curb overspending and will move forward even faster.

          Consider our credit cards and smaller debts like first downs on the field. In the bigger picture of getting debt-free, it is as we pay off those debts we move closer to the end zone, which would be like what is owed on your car(s). Paying off the smaller debts - and not charging them back up again, frees up the additional funds to allow you to retire your car debt(s) in a relatively short time... and punch it in the end zone.

          Having moved past the credit cards, smaller debts and car loans you now have the capacity to take your mortgage head on. It has worked like a snowball rolling downhill and at this point you can make double and even triple payments and on average pay off your mortgage in about 5 years. I can tell you from experience that major accomplishment is like winning the game - even the Super Bowl!

          The great players and teams do not just show up on game day, they've put in the time preparing in the weight room, studying the playbook and practicing to carry out the coaches' plays. 

          It's not much different for us in this effort. Spending time in God's Word having our mind renewed, seeking His face and listening to Him will help prepare us to make wise choices. We also have the Holy Spirit, who can assist much like how the coaches speak to the players' receivers in their helmets in an instant. It's promised that if we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).

          Lastly, be encouraged that our "play caller", God Almighty, has promised this... "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten... and you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord, your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you".

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,




Aug 3, 2019

The Opening

The Opening

          Isaiah 61:1 says "He has sent me to bind up and heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound."

          In the area of debt, we may not think of being bound or in prison, but the Word of God and Jesus both spoke to illuminate things that are visible only from the Father's perspective - which is much higher than ours and knows every aspect of the condition of humanity from the beginning to the end.

          In Proverbs 22:7 it is written "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." As so much of our paycheck can be promised before we've even awoke each morning and worked hard all week to earn it, is that not just like slavery?

          The good news is we can regain our freedom.

          The first step, is to honor The One who will lead us out of captivity. There are some who "honor" their creditors first and withhold the tithe from the Lord as a result. God plainly describes this in Malachi 3:8 as robbing from Him, but He also promises to "open the windows of heaven" for those who are obedient. 

          Next, is to allow humility. Much of our indebtedness is brought on by discretionary spending - either on things not needed or exorbitant in stature, or from excessive in quantity. Psalm 25:9 says "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way." 

          By allowing humility, we will find ourselves more content. in 1 Timothy 6, Paul wrote "with food and clothing we shall be content". He also revealed that his inward strength came from Christ, enabling him to live under all circumstances. By this reliance we'll receive patience, enabling us to turn away from spending money we do not have on optional things.

          By starting with the foundation of the first two steps above, decide that over the next 30 days you will not spend more than you make. Begin by writing down the total amount of each debt. The main culprit to hold in line will be your credit card. To help, write down every charge as it is made on a log and keep it in view every day - that way there will not be a surprise when the statement arrives and you'll be more able to stay on target.

          If you can achieve this pivotal step of spending less than you make over the next 30 days, your momentum will have been established and you'll realize just how much control YOU have to not overspend. Then you can work towards paying the smallest debt off first and moving onto the larger debts - more detail on this process is in the December 2016 Blog Archive titled "Moving Forward".

          In closing, remember these words from Romans 13:8 which provide simple instruction and will protect us from being bound: "Keep out of debt and owe no man anything, except to love one another."

God Bless you and may he show Himself greatly to you,


Jul 6, 2019

________ For Others

________ For Others

          "Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others".  (Philippians 2:4). This brief, powerful instruction from Paul bursts out in how to fulfill the needs of the church body, reach out to a hurting world, solidify a healthy marriage and family, contribute to a winning work environment, and experience happiness inside.

          This past week, a Vice President of our corporation moved on to a new company.  There's no one I've respected more in my working career than her, from how she handled difficult circumstances, maintained a positive attitude, had excellent business knowledge and sense, and always had the right thing to say.

          In leaving, she shared personally with me that her focus was always on the team and the people there... which reopened my eyes to that beginning verse above. Let's look at what we can do to live out this scripture in our finances and other efforts.

          Starting with our vocation, in working unto the Lord (from Colossians 3:23) we should naturally also be thoughtful of the work and communication going to our coworkers, so they can do their best. We can be careful listeners when they share of personal needs, which may be opening a door to pray for or with them and to share about Jesus. Being a considerate and diligent worker will also make you valuable, returning to bless you.

          With our wages we first bring our tithes to the Lord, as directed in Malachi 3:10 that "there may be food in My house". This is unto the Lord, but its flow goes towards reaching the lost in the community, nurturing the church body including our precious youth, and spanning across the country and continents through missions. 1 Peter 4:10 states you've been given gifts by God to serve others, look for areas to serve at your church.

          In giving beyond the church, there may be specific organizations that are serving to fulfill a need that is close to your heart. Review the March 2019 post titled "In My Name", which covers how to locate these ministries. Be mindful of the Holy Spirit prompting you to give towards individuals in need, or you may sense something through a normal conversation where God's will is to use you to help their situation.

          Beyond utilizing money or your gifts given to you by God for others, look to share their burdens in prayer - either alongside them in agreement or lifting their needs to the Lord in your personal prayer time.

          What also takes place as we help others while walking in love, is our flesh is quieted... because we are walking by the Spirit and not gratifying the flesh. That will help our walk in so many other areas.  Lastly, be encouraged to know there is a promise towards those who help others from Hebrews 6:10.

          "God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them".

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,




Jun 1, 2019

Visible & Invisible

Visible & Invisible

          "Ask and keep on asking and it shall be given you; seek and keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you." (Luke 11:9)

          As is written in these words from Jesus, there are actions we can take that are visible and invisible to move us forward. In seeking to be free of debt, let's begin with what is visible.

Know where you are:
- List all of your monthly bills along with their required minimum monthly payments.
- For one month, track all of your spending. This is a vital step for you to know exactly where your money is going. Most people - including myself, were stunned to see where it went. It is like an X-Ray showing what we lost track of as it was spent.
- Begin by paying only the minimum monthly payment to each debt, and applying what is left over to the debt which has the smallest total balance.
- Once that smallest debt is retired, go onto the next debt that now has the smallest total balance, and so on. You will be encouraged as you see the number of debts reduced and be strengthened to continue the effort.

Maximize what you have:
- Bring coffee, lunch or drinks with you instead of purchasing from vending machines, convenience stores and restaurants.
- For groceries, read the sales ads and coupons, try generic brands and buying in bulk, shop with a list and stick to it, leave the kids at home during shopping.
- Use dining coupons, Groupons and Entertainment books along with signing up on restaurant websites and loyalty clubs. View it as they are paying you to eat at their place.
- Check out Craigslist and other sites for enormous savings on pre-owned items.
- Research raising insurance deductibles for auto, home and medical coverage.

          Let's look at some of what we can do that is invisible:

- Think and meditate on His Word. In doing so we will find ourselves more molded to His image, receiving strength and being inflexible to temptation to overspend.
- Ask God for wisdom. In James 1:5 it says if we are deficient in wisdom to ask of the giving God, who gives to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly... and it will be given to him.
- Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when faced with a sizable purchase decision. We'll be led forth by peace and also know when to pause and wait for direction.
- In prayer, casting our cares on Him is written in 1 Peter 5:7. While in Ephesians 3:20 it declares He is able to carry out superabundantly above all that we can ask or think.

          Now, compare what is visible versus what is invisible. We'll see that item in the store or on our screen - it's visible. We have to believe in something - our desire for that "thing", even if it overextends us... or to believe in what is the wise thing to do in light of our goals to be free of debt and obedient to God. 

          What's invisible is what's going to change our course, to overcome. Lastly, project yourself making wise choices about over spending on things - which are all temporary, by recalling this verse:
          "Consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are brief and fleeting, but the things that are invisible are everlasting." (2 Corinthians 4:18)

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


May 4, 2019

Just One Thing

Just One Thing

          "But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and extending myself unto those things which are ahead."  These words from Paul in Philippians 3:13 are among the most timeless, practical and universally beneficial ever placed together in history. If followed it can be valuable to anyone, from overcoming a destructive relationship or a serious health challenge to being a professional athlete.

          What too often keeps us from advancing? Is it not because we think back on how we've done things previously and let that dictate us into inaction and continuing the same path even though it has not been working?

          Whether it is something we'd classify as spiritual - like time for prayer, reading God's Word or tithing to the Lord - or something else like paying down debt, exercising or quality time with loved ones... it comes down to two things: 1) forgetting what you've done before  2) extending to what is ahead of you. How does this look for our finances?

Forgetting what is behind

           It is in the clutching onto our past that keeps us from getting out of debt. High-cost phone/streaming plans, cable TV, frequent coffee trips, eating out for lunch every day, costly automobiles and overpriced fashions are some - you may know of others you can cut back on to make a difference.

          The mentality of charging on credit cards and keeping a balance needs to be forgotten. Consider that if you cannot confine your spending to what you make each month, how will you continue to keep up by paying that additional 14 to 20% interest onto those purchases?

          For tithing as an example, you may need to forget the mindset of "I'll tithe when I have enough money"... because you won't have enough money when you're making your choice that way, and instead focus on loving the Lord - who reached out to you and loved you first, and make room for Him first. 

Extending to what is ahead

          God wisely communicated it in Deuteronomy 14:22 to "set aside the tithe..."  If we first set it aside, there is not the possibility of that money going elsewhere. Think about the successful use of payroll deductions for 401K savings... it's simply the same action of setting aside the funds first.

          For our discretionary spending to set aside what our true available funds are for that month first - and stop when it is depleted. To plan ahead for small purchases - like using apps for the best pricing from gas to groceries and avoiding vending machines and convenience stores. And to plan ahead for bigger purchases by saving for them and escape paying interest charges.

          In the effort of reducing debt, if you dwell upon missing out on some of the "things" you used to spend money on, you will not last long. Looking to what lies ahead includes visualizing your future without balances on credit cards, having that peace without the stress and worry of being over-extended and to have more capacity to give. 

          Lastly take this encouraging thought with you of how Jesus set the ultimate example in extending to what is ahead. In Hebrews 12:2 it is written He endured the cross "for the joy set before Him". Much of that joy was in knowing the multitudes over the thousands of years to come that would be saved by His sacrifice.

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,




Apr 6, 2019

Paid In Full

Paid In Full

          There is a debt we all were born with, that every single person... past, present and future owes. There is no amount of wealth that can pay it off, nor any amount of good deeds or works performed will retire or reduce it.

          The Bible states in Romans 3:23 that "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God".  It matters not that one person may have tried to be good from their youth, while another has rebelled and lived a life full of destruction - both of their eternal outcomes will be the same... unless they receive the atonement, the payment for their sins that is the centerpiece in all of God's Word provided by His Son Jesus Christ.

          Those who believe that doing good works will get them to Heaven lack the understanding of what God says in His own Word that our righteousness and best deeds and justice are as "filthy rags" in Isaiah 64.

          Thinking that being good or performing works qualifies is like a person owing a debt to the banker and arriving at the bank with Confederate or Monopoly money.  It doesn't matter how much they brought, the banker will not accept it as payment for the debt.  That is because God declared in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death.

          However, the remainder of that verse contains our hope..."but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  He was the one who paid our debt, by the shedding of His blood for our sins - paying our penalty, and God credits that to the account of those who believe and declares them righteous because of what Jesus did in His awesome love for humanity.

          Consider that if there were a way for man to pay for his own sins... that would mean Jesus left Heaven, came to earth and suffered an excruciating death for no reason. What if you had given a gift to someone, and they instead regarded it as something they earned from you? How would you feel? Salvation is a free gift extended to us.

          If you have accepted Jesus, as we approach this time of remembering and celebrating His crucifixion and resurrection over death, let us regard that we owed a debt which we could not pay... and He paid that debt for which He did not owe.

          If you have not yet accepted the free gift of salvation, given by the blood Jesus shed on the cross for your sins, there is no better time than right now to answer the call God has placed on your heart, and be reconciled to Him forever.

          You can ask God right now to save you, to accept Jesus as your Savior. In Romans 10:9 it is written "if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."  And you can know that your debt has been paid in full.

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,



Mar 2, 2019

In My Name

          "And whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus." Taken from Colossians 3:17, these words cover all of our actions, and also especially enlighten and encourage us in the way to reach out to others in need - in submission to Jesus Christ.

          For several years it has been noticeable the number of businesses proclaiming how they will donate a percentage of their profits to what they consider "good causes". In many cases what the recipient organization carrying out the work usually lacks, is not addressing what created the need - a yet to be experienced personal relationship with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

          There is a searching for solutions, with over 1.6 million charitable organizations in the U.S. alone... and we are directed to give - "Don't forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God." (Hebrews 13:16). However, in almost any problem that exists, there is a "Jesus sized" hole that only He can fill. That is why it is essential to give to the work of those carrying out their efforts in the name of Jesus.

          Those organizations and ministries helping others in the name of Jesus are doing more than fulfilling a need, they are pointing the way to our God of compassion, graciousness, mercy and eternal salvation. The beautiful lyrics that sing "Glorify Thy Name in all the Earth" are lived out as we speak, help, give and contribute to others doing so... expressing that it is done in the name of Jesus.

          Jesus stated He came to glorify the Father. Concluding about His own allotted time in John 17:4, He said "I have glorified You down here on earth by completing the work that You gave me to do". At the end of the chapter, Jesus said "I have revealed Your character and Your very Self."

          A person can help another in need, and the recipient may feel love from doing so. But when it's been expressed that the origin of it came from the One described by John... "God is love", it has the capacity to reshape that person's view of God and that they are loved by Him as well as the giver.
          Beyond your tithes and considering your giving of offerings or volunteering, I encourage you to side with those organizations pointing the way to the Father. Online resources are available to find those that do so - contains nearly all organizations and can be filtered to those that are Christian-based. Ministry Voice underwent a rigorous search for the best Christian Non-Profits, found at

          "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,



Feb 1, 2019

Love The Lord

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind". Jesus said in Matthew 22 this was the most important commandment. So with such a priority placed on following this, how does it look in relation to our finances?

First, considering our work we're instructed to strive to do our best in Colossians 3:23 - "Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men". Many of us can grow weary at times, but if we recall this verse and loving the Lord it will strengthen us to see the bigger picture, which includes God being honored in our work and a shining witness in the workplace.

With our income we express our love for the Lord by giving in tithes and offerings. We do this by putting the Lord first - in settling in our heart that we will give, and next in our mind that we will write out the tithe check or give online before we address any other matter. In Proverbs 3:9 it is described as "honoring" the Lord with first part of our income. If we love Him, we will be pleased to honor Him.

We also express our love for the Lord in giving our time or money to others... and God regards it lovingly and very personally in Matthew 25 where the Lord recalls of being fed, given water, welcomed, clothed and visited in prison directly when it was done unto the least of any person - it was done unto Him.

In our purchases we love the Lord by regarding Him above our temptation to spend or overspend on something that is fruitless - especially on items that would involve using credit or borrowing. We love by regarding His Word first, to "owe no man anything except to love one another". Waiting for the timing to be right, when we can afford it is another way we place God first and love Him.

So whether our expressions of love towards the Lord are in working heartily and diligently, setting aside tithes and offerings for Him before other things, giving of our time and money to meet the needs of others, or giving into God's timing and avoiding overspending and exercising patience, it all points back to the heart of our Lord...

"For God so loved that He gave..." (John 3:16)

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


Jan 1, 2019

2019 & The Holy Spirit

As you take the first steps into a new year--a year to reduce debt and move closer to being debt-free, would it be beneficial if there was someone to accompany you everywhere 24/7 and provide guidance whenever you need it most? God specifically made that provision for you, by His Holy Spirit.

Jesus said "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, and Standby), that He may remain with you forever" (John 14:16). There are many accounts of God's people overcoming famines, making wise choices and prospering when they listened to His voice and obeyed the specific direction given.

You could call me and ask "should I buy/not buy this?", or "how should I handle my finances in this area?" But God's Holy Spirit can provide His divine direction for you in a moment's notice in the marketplace, in front of your computer, and in meditation before Him. He knows exactly what timing is right for YOU personally, and all of the factors--including what cannot be seen.

Our flesh will always attempt to steer us away from God. Galatians 5:17 says "For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the [Holy] Spirit, and the [desires of the] Spirit are opposed to the flesh." Indebtedness is another area the flesh seeks to bring about our ruin. Our flesh whines that we will not be happy without buying this "thing"... the flesh has no concern for what that "thing" will do to our finances... but the Holy Spirit does.

I can tell you from personal experience that Galatians 5:16 has always proven true - "Walk and live in the Holy Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh."

You may ask "what if I don't understand His voice?", or say "I hear different voices at times." If your cell phone has a poor signal, you try to get outside or up higher, right? That's to get closer to the transmitter's signal... it's exactly same action here. As we read and absorb God's Word on a regular basis, our ability to recognize God's voice will increase because what He says to you will always line up with what is written in His Word.

Psalm 119:105 tells us "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path".

The God who created the whole universe and knows all in the past, present and future, and loves you wants to light your way in each and every path of your life--with finances included in those paths.

The Word tells us we will be led forth with peace. The Holy Spirit will provide the peace that you are making the right decision, and just as importantly will continue to give you peace afterwards. Then, as you've seen the fruit of following His voice your confidence grows to trust Him more and more.

Lastly, be encouraged from these words spoken by Jesus in John 10:27-28... "The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life."

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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