Dec 1, 2019

Reading vs. Playing

Reading vs. Playing

"But be doers of the Word, and not merely listeners to it..." 

          We likely can recall this verse from James 1:22, and if we've thought about it, we know how penetrating those words are... challenging us inside and calling us to action. 

          Imagine going to a concert - the lights comes on, the performer comes out... and then just reads the sheet music. That sounds absurd, but consider it from God's perspective - if we receive these treasures of knowledge from Him without doing them.

          Look again at the illustration above. Think about the Word of God (and the wisdom it contains) as the sheet music on the left. We can read entire chapters or just one verse - but God always intended for His Word... as if it were music, to not only be read or listened to, but to be PLAYED by His people.

          With our finances we have "sheet music", written of tithing to the Lord, keeping out of debt and owing nothing except to love one another, learning contentment, spending less than we make, giving to those in need and being generous.

          See the baby above at the keyboard? Obviously it does not know how to create meaningful music yet, but by just pressing the keyboard... and hearing the sounds, that feedback will lead to learning how to play sweet music one day.

          In the areas that we're only reading or listening, we need to extend our hand like that baby. It matters not what it sounds like or the initial level of our success, just that we're reaching out in faith - and hearing the notes we're playing.

          Some of the response to the notes we play is promised to be delivered by the hand of the Lord. It's written in Malachi 3 that in response to our tithing, the Lord will pour out a blessing "that there shall not be room enough to receive it". In Proverbs 11:25 it says "A generous person will prosper, and anyone who gives water will receive a flood in return."

         So no matter where the area is within God's Word, be mindful of the life and the divine nature that it has - but only if it moves off the page and is PLAYED by you. Look at this renewed effort by yourself in how Psalms 98:1 begins "Sing to the Lord a new song..."

          Lastly, look to this reward in store from 1 Corinthians 2:9 - "What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him."

God Bless you may He show Himself greatly to you,



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