Oct 1, 2022

By Wise Counsel


By Wise Counsel

    In Proverbs 24:6 it is written, "For by wise counsel you can wage your war, and in an abundance of counselors there is victory and safety."

    This terrific verse plainly shows a path of wisdom that can be applied to many areas of our lives, and today let's see where it can be used in our finances and spending.

    First, I've long considered it as a battle we have with the marketplace and media - how so many people and businesses are trying to entice you into spending your hard-earned money on what they have to offer... whether you have that money available to spend or not.

    And second, we're currently experiencing high inflation, making even routine and necessary purchases something to be regarded more than before, as to whether we are receiving a good value in return.

    Let's look at the "battle" first, even though there is such a wide effort by others to get us to spend, and spend frivolously, our closest opponent is our own flesh. Our flesh tells us we will not be happy unless we buy that item, service or experience. Our flesh has no concern for what that purchase will do to our budget. Galatians 5:17 says the desires of the flesh are opposed to the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are opposed to the flesh. Satan will try to tempt us through our flesh, which is why this must be recognized and put down.

    Where is our wise counsel in this area? The servants of God usually are, teachers and Pastors - like Pastor Aaron, will share from God's Word, which has both practical knowledge for finances along with instruction and encouragement for how to overcome the desires of the flesh. I am on your side. Each month this page will encourage you, with scriptures to reinforce God's will for your finances along with specific steps you can take.

    The Holy Spirit is described as our Counselor - shown in John 14. The Spirit is with us 24/7 and we can seek His input in an instant when we're in the marketplace or in front of the computer with a purchase decision. God's Word speaks of being led forth with peace by Him, which is a good test to use when considering a sizeable purchase.

    Next, in light of the rising prices of items, we live in the most advantageous time of human history to "receive counsel" and know the value of things. In past times, you had to travel to a competing store to see their prices - now at your fingertips you can instantly check multiple places... online only as well as brick-and-mortar, and see where your best value resides. 

    Before, people would do this for larger purchases, but with prices changing so much it can be very beneficial to compare groceries, health-and-beauty supplies, hardware and other categories. One of my favorite sites is GasBuddy - you just enter your location and instantly a map appears showing recent pricing for that area. Below is an example of pricing near our church:

    For major purchases like automobiles, appliances and electronics, we can find counsel at our fingertips as well. By digging into free product ratings and reviews online - you can also purchase a digital subscription to Consumer Reports for $39 annually, or go to your library to see their buying guides and archives for free (you've already paid for them with your tax dollars). The information will steer you to the most reliable brands and models, allowing these larger purchases to last longer.

    How about your savings and investing? In this information age, we have easily accessible data showing the track record of bonds, stocks, mutual and index funds. In the June 2021 post titled "Grow", we cover how index funds have shown for a very long time to be a successful, lower-risk and lower-cost method of investing. Click on the Archives section to the right of this page to access that post.

    It does not matter what era you are living in. God's Word has shown its perfection, truth and proven wisdom through the ages, and He encourages us to seek wise counsel. It sometimes requires us to accept some humility to acquire counsel, but Proverbs 15:22 says "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."

    In closing, we'll look to two other verses from our original chapter of Proverbs 24, showing the promise to receive:

    "Through skillful and godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a home, a family) built, and by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation], And by knowledge shall its chambers [of every area] be filled with all precious and pleasant riches."

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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