Mar 4, 2023




"Forsake not (Wisdom), and she will keep, defend, and protect you; love her, and she will guard you."

    This verse number 6 along with all of what was written in Proverbs 4 shed divine light on the enormous impact of embracing, gaining and walking in wisdom. And what fruit it brings to the believer who practices it. 

    Today, we will focus on a few places we can apply wisdom to our finances to "defend" us from spending more than necessary... think about what you earn as "offense" and what you spend as "defense", and we always want to end up with more than we spend - this concept is always important, and even more challenging today with the rising prices we see.

    As you likely experienced much higher gas bills this winter, a good way to "defend" yourself from paying more in the future is to invest now in caulking, weather-stripping, insulation and energy-efficient devices. You probably are set with the temperatures you keep your home at, so a little DIY project to make these changes can help reduce your bills while keeping the same comfort level.

    For food and supplies, give the store brand items a try if you have not done so, or expand your selection by sampling something new. Many are made in the same factories alongside the name-brand items, and all retailers will refund your purchase if it was not acceptable, so you have nothing to lose.

    For dining out (or carry-out), check out your restaurants website or apps. More and more establishments from fast-food to fine dining are offering substantial discounts if you sign up. In our household, we have received many discounted or free entrees throughout the year and it is very easy to receive the savings.

    Insurance is one of the neglected areas of expense control for most. Many households begin with one company and never compare coverage and cost, while continuing to pay hundreds or thousands per year. Take the time to do two things - first, look at your deductibles and consider raising them to save on your bill. Insurance is best used for the large and over-whelming event, not every small occurrence, which is what makes it so expensive. Second, invest an hour and contact providers to see what they can offer for savings while maintaining coverage you feel is needed. You will see the savings from both efforts continue year after year.

    When you are set on buying something, consider pre-owned options. It takes just a few minutes to check out Craigslist, eBay or a growing number of online clothing and product outlets. You may be able to find exactly what you are seeking - at a fraction of what it would have cost to buy brand new. You could even sell some of your excess and add to your "offense" of earnings.

You cannot succeed at this or any other "game" if you do not know the score, right?

    That is why you have to keep tabs on where your spending is in real time. As most of us use credit or debit cards frequently, it is imperative to go online and view your account frequently. That is the only way you will be aware of exactly how much you have cumulatively spent during the period of time before your bill arrives. This brief step allows you to make "half time adjustments", so that you are not behind when the bill comes.

    One other way a good defender plays is to wait... not committing too early and getting out of position. It works the same way with us and spending. If you are encountering a sizeable purchase decision, I encourage you to wait overnight before committing. Allow this time to think it through clearly, see if the Lord is impressing upon you a certain direction, and also to "sift" how much you actually want that item.

    Look up at the picture we began with. Identify the shooter with the ball as one trying to score and get you to spend more money. See how there are two defenders guarding closely? You are one of the defenders and you are not alone:

    In Malachi 3:10-11 it is written, "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine drop its fruit before the time in the field, says the Lord of hosts."

    Our Lord has promised specifically to be there at your defense. It may be in the form of a discount on something you were not expecting, Him keeping your cars, appliances running and other items lasting (like the clothing and sandals in Deuteronomy 29), or even preventing an accident that would have been costly. Our God is limitless in ways to both bless and prevent calamity as He sees fit.

    Lastly, be encouraged by what is written a little later in Proverbs 4, in verse 22 it describes what is to be received for keeping His word and wisdom - "For they are life to those who find them, healing and health to all their flesh."

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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