Apr 6, 2024

My Yoke Is Easy


My Yoke Is Easy

    Jesus said in Matthew 11:30 "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". As many truths from God's Word are, they can be applied to many areas of our walk. Today, let's see where these words can lead us to see the truth in our spending and finances.

    Look at the photo above. Those "beasts of burden" are trudging through their workday, straining and forging ahead. Then, on the next day, they will be hitched up and forced to do so again. This will continue repeatedly until they have aged to the point they are not useful to do so.

    I want you to consider the similarities of the illustration and description to a typical worker who gets up early every day, plows forward and works hour after hour and day after day. And in their doing so if they take an account of the debt level, they are digging deeper year by year... benefitting their creditors more than themselves. The verse from Proverbs 22:7 of "the borrower is servant to the lender" fits very well here, as in the photo above we are "plowing that field", nearly in servitude to the lender.

     The logic of many regarding borrowing is this, because the bank said we qualified for a certain mortgage amount, we purchase a home right up to that amount. Because we could have multiple credit cards with a $________ limit, we charge those up to nearly that level. Because the auto dealer arranged for financing to acquire the shiny new model, we sign up for it.

Regarding mortgages, many also refinance several years into their mortgage. 
Please search the Archives section for the December 2020 post titled "The Death Pledge" to learn more on this topic.

    The results of handling finances in this manner are found throughout society. Most households are just a few paychecks away from being evicted from their lifestyle. They do not really own their home, cars and other things purchased with credit. They experience a consistent level of stress because of this, but few take action to reverse the course. This is the scenario if we are sowing to our flesh.

    Our flesh so eagerly wants everything... beyond what we can afford, more than we need, and sooner than we have the funds to pay for it. Galatians 6:8 shows us what comes by following our flesh, "For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction". The flesh does not stop grasping for more until it destroys us - I would label this as the yoke of the flesh.

    Look at what Jesus said prior to His comment about His yoke - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest". The words weary and burdened would accurately describe someone under the stresses of debt. But Jesus offers us a different yoke - different from that yoke of the flesh, and states clearly that His burden is light. His yoke points to learning from Him and to the Spirit.

    In Galatians 5, it is written "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh". The Spirit will always agree with the Word of God, so to strengthen our walking by the Spirit, we need to strengthen our exposure, consumption and absorbing of God's Word. As we take in His Word as a necessity and meditate on it, that Word becomes a sifter to us when choices appear, giving us discernment to know what is right and wrong, and discard the influences of the flesh that is trying to lead towards destruction, thus encouraging us to move forward in what is right.

    What we see in His Word about finances contrasts directly with what our flesh desires. It speaks of owing no man any thing but to love him, to lend and not borrow, spending less money than we have made, being generous towards others, presenting our requests to God, trusting Him by giving to Him and watching Him meet our needs.

    We'll experience His yoke more so as we listen to the Holy Spirit. He is called our Counselor in John 14, and is ever present in you. When a situation comes to buy something substantial or enter into a financial agreement, turn your inner ear to the Holy Spirit, who will bring remembrance of all you have learned. The trademark of knowing it is His Spirit is we will be led forth with peace. Moving forward when you have that peace will also serve as continued confidence down the road with that decision.

    By seeking God's presence regularly - getting alone and quiet before God, our burdens will be lightened. Begin by thanking Him, confessing our shortcomings, meditating on His greatness and power. Taking time to listen to Him will quickly remove you from hearing the noise of your flesh, and bring you the words you need to hear. We're encouraged in James 1:5 to ask of God if we lack any wisdom, and He will give generously to all who ask.

    Simply stated, Jesus declared that His yoke of obedience to His Word in our finances, will prove to be much lighter than adhering to the yoke of our flesh, and it's unreasonable and unquenchable demands.

    In closing, take with you some of these comforting words from Psalm 23, knowing it speaks of the same Lord who promised you that His burden is light:

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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