Dec 1, 2012

River Of Blessings

Our loving God has blessed us with an abundance; eternal life with Him by His grace, healing by the stripes of Jesus, the Holy Spirit (the Comforter), the power to get wealth - are just some of the enormous number of blessings we receive from Him. God blesses His people for them to be a blessing outward. Consider the illustration of the river and God sending His blessings to us. Now consider the difference between us damming up that flow and causing stagnant waters vs. sending that flow on to be a blessing down the stream. If we are lacking in finances, stressed over debts, or not honoring the Lord in tithes and offerings, then following His Word will change our future.

Visible - Read II Kings 4:1-7, the account of the widow and her last jar of oil. Then read I Kings 17:9-16, telling about the widow and her last small meal of food for herself and her son. Both situations were quite dire as they were widows at the end of their rope, but God sought to intervene on their behalf - provided they took a STEP OF FAITH as God's servant directed them. God's Word tells us repeatedly of sowing and reaping. Simply put, we show God our faith in Him by giving and He shows Himself to us by providing. Also read Luke 6:38 and Acts 20:35. Jesus tells us it is more blessed to give than receive... that reveals just how much He loves to give to us as well.

Invisible - We can attempt to resolve our financial situation by our own strength (not likely since we usually got ourselves into this situation to begin with), or we can take that STEP OF FAITH that God leads us to. Ask Him to speak to your heart clearly on where you can be generous to others, and be ready to do so when prompted. It may be financial by giving in tithes and offerings if you are not doing so, giving to someone in need, or it may be by giving of your time. It may require us to give out of our need, but if we trust in the living Almighty God, the Creator of the Universe, He will show to be true to His Word and meet your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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