Oct 3, 2020

Like A Thief

Like A Thief 

          "If the owner of a house had known when the robber was coming, he would have watched. He would not have allowed his house to have been broken into."

          In this portion of Matthew 24, Jesus is speaking in a parable about the suddenness of when He will come again, and to be ready. Let's draw from this concept about being prepared in our finances.

          The definition of thief states, "a person who steals another person's property, especially by stealth and without using force or violence."

          How do we allow "stealing" to occur in our finances? One way is by giving into our flesh. James 1:14 says "each person is tempted when he is dragged away and enticed by his own desire". 
          When we do not check ourselves in the marketplace or in front of the computer, and let our desire for things run rampant, the result is that many purchases later show to be for things which were not needed, frivolous or extravagant. If you peek into your closet, garage or basement, you probably can identify several items that fit this description.

          To improve in this area, seek The Helper that Jesus sent for us - His Holy Spirit. The Word says the Spirit will guide us into all truth and will provide us with peace. If you sense that uneasiness inside considering a purchase, wait and seek God's will and timing before moving forward. 

          Additional "stealing" happens when we fail to plan. From small matters, like having to stop at an expensive convenience store or vending machine, to the estimated 40% of household food that is wasted. Planning ahead and bringing lunch or coffee to work on occasion can reduce some of this theft in our finances.

          Then onto larger areas, the cost of our not having prepared for a known future purchase - by saving the money for it, results in either borrowing or charging on credit cards, which currently average over a 14% interest rate.

          The Living Bible version speaks it well of how Proverbs 21:20 encourages us to make provision for what is ahead - "The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets." 
          Look at your subscriptions, memberships and monthly automated charges to your credit card, if you are not using them or receiving the value for them you should, break off that theft and you will see the positive result repeat each month.

          To help precisely locate the thief in your finances, I strongly encourage you to write down every expense for the next month or two. Most people are stunned when they realize exactly the real amounts they're spending in areas versus their perception. It is like an X-Ray at work, showing what is beneath the surface. 

          We also must make sure WE are not a thief. In Malachi 3:8, God declares "Will a man rob God? Surely not!  And yet you have robbed me. "What do you mean? When did we ever rob you?'  "You have robbed me of the tithes and offerings due me."

          The Lord goes on to state there is a curse for committing this robbery, but also promises His provincial blessing for being faithful in this area - including opening up the windows of heaven to pour out a blessing so great it cannot be contained, and He will rebuke the devourer for our sakes.

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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