Apr 2, 2022

With God = 100% Complete


With God = 100% Complete

        We are assured and know that (God being a partner in their labor) all things work together and are (fitting into a plan) for good to and for those who love God and are called according to (His) design and purpose. (Romans 8:28)

        This powerful verse can provide encouragement in two areas - to continue to persevere through supposed obstacles that may come, and to have faith to step into what God is calling us to do. Today, let's focus on the latter as it relates to our finances and debt.

        What should first give us faith and confidence to step into something? Let's look to Romans 10:17... "So then faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God". When my wife Karen and I first attended the Debt-Free Class, what ignited a spark was knowing that the principles taught lined up with what is written in God's Word... that we are to "owe no man any thing but to love one another" from Romans 13:8, and that "the borrower is servant to the lender" in Proverbs 22:7, and many others.

        It was because of this understanding of the agreement with God's Word that we were 100% committed to reducing our debts and eventually becoming a debt-free household, for we knew inside that God wanted us to do this. I shared in last month's post how God blessed our efforts, and others as well towards getting out of debt even sooner.

        What I really want to share with you today is that it's OK if you don't feel like you can make a "full court press" in this area now. Go ahead and take a step... a small step, any step, but do take a step towards what you know inside God is calling you to do.

        It could be just to resolve that you will not let next month's credit card bill be larger than it is right now. Or to bring a lunch to work or perhaps your own coffee from home just once a week. You know what areas of spending exist that are optional where a small change can be made to save even a modest amount... and put that amount towards reducing some debt. 

        What I know is this - that God looks on your heart, and in seeing you taking that step will begin to move on your behalf. It's much like with new believers in Christ, where God will do miraculous things to feed their new faith in Him and cause it to grow stronger. It may be that He simply gives you encouragement inside to continue and that He is with you, and it may be that He moves mountains on your behalf that bring in finances and reduce debts.

        As in any area, it does not require our performing to perfection to see God's plan come to pass. It does require our stepping out in faith to do what we are able to, and then God in His unlimited ability to "make all things work together for good", completes the process, and He makes it 100% perfect in His time.

        If you take that first step, you will begin to see the results, and I liken that feeling to adjusting a thermostat in that you realize it is something you have a level of control over and not the other way around. Then you will be excited and will find additional ways to save money and put those funds towards reducing debts the next month.

        Lastly, be encouraged to step out in faith, remembering with you this one simple and short verse from Romans 8:31 that covers it all:

        "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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