Jan 1, 2025

2025 - Experience Wisdom

 2025 - Experience Wisdom

    "I instructed you in the way of wisdom. I have guided you along straight paths. When you walk, your step will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble."

    These verses from Proverbs 4:11-12 , likely written by King Solomon, share about what his father said in pursuing wisdom. As we embark on a new year in 2025, let's look into some parts of Proverbs 4 and how they can help us with our finances.

    But first, let's try to address an area that may hinder us from receiving wisdom in the first place... our pride. To combat this, we must place value on the source of where proper wisdom is coming from. In Solomon's case, he humbled himself and regarded what came from his father's lips to be worthy of applying to his life, in great measure.

    In Proverbs 20:29 it is written, "The glory of young men is their strength, and the beauty of old men is their gray head (suggesting wisdom and experience)". The definition of experience includes practical contact with and observation of facts or events, and those mature men and women, if they have a Godly perspective, are worth listening to, to gain from their experiences that we have not yet encountered.  

    And of course, we look with reverence to the One who knows everything that has ever existed and knows all things to come, the Lord. In Proverbs 2:6 it says "For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." And Jesus plainly stated "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."

    Going back into Proverbs 4, verse 6 instructs us with "Forsake not [Wisdom], and she will keep, defend, and protect you; love her, and she will guard you." These words can relate to our avoiding large debts and commitments, where we know by looking carefully and soberly at them, that all it takes is one expensive unforeseen circumstance to put us in a place where we cannot make those payments and cause additional burdens financially.

    Verse 8 has "Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her." As we bring a true effort in our occupation and work as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23) and not to men, we will stand out from the crowd, becoming a valuable employee that in time will bring us promotion and honor to the Lord.

    Returning to our first verse number 12: "When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered [your path will be clear and open]; and when you run, you shall not stumble." I liken this to achieving a point in the freedom from debts - even partially, like in paying off a car, credit card, or even a small debt. Our steps are then not hampered and that feeling of constraint is gone. I can speak from experience how freeing it is to have a path that is clear and open, without the stress from those bills arriving each month.

    Next in verse 13 of "Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; guard her, for she is your life." If you have planned certain things out financially, even something as routine as your grocery list, stick to what your plans were and maintain to stay within your budget. If you calculated what you can afford for a car or other large purchase, guard yourself against the salesperson attempting to increase the sale for their purposes... they will not be around to help you when it is time to make that payment every month after you sign.

    Down to verse 23 it is written "Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life." When we are in stores and at their websites online, this is when we need to keep and guard our heart. To stay within what we know is our means to pay and not get carried away by advertising, sales, new items or the salesperson. Also keep in mind verse 25 - "Let your eyes look right on, and let your gaze be straight before you." One tool to combat this tendency by our flesh to react and buy is to instead wait 24 hours... in many instances you will find that desire is not really in line with your heart and you will choose not to make that purchase. 

    Lastly, remember what was from the definition of experience (includes practical contact with and observation of facts or events). In the verse below the author was speaking about a sluggard that had an unkept vineyard with walls broken down. But we can also apply this layer of wisdom to when our own choices did not prove fruitful, learn from them and move onto the right path"

"Then I beheld and considered it well; I looked and received instruction." (Proverbs 24:32)

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you in 2025,


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