Dec 4, 2021

The Verse


The Verse

    "My child, pay attention to what I saw. Listen carefully to my words. Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body." (Proverbs 4:20-22)

    These words of wisdom above are not "The Verse" that we'll focus on today, however they are a fine introduction, proclaiming the importance and benefit we'll receive as we follow what God is teaching us in all scripture.

    The Verse, is an elementary, essential and indispensable guide to being wise with our finances. It is also very simple to understand.

    Proverbs 21:20:

"There are precious treasures and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a self-confident and foolish man swallows it up and wastes it."

    The writer is showing us a simple illustration of what it looks like to spend less than we make - the foolish man spent all he had but the wise man had provision available. It includes the actions and mindset of the one who is careless. The self-confident and foolish in the Word are described as deceiving themselves. In finances this can be those who feel they can have many discretionary purchases now with no consequences ahead. That is a lie which becomes more visible when the bills arrive each month.

    The choice of words used also includes that the foolish one "swallows it up and wastes it". It speaks of not even genuinely enjoying what has been purchased, quickly devouring it and destroying. We can include to this things purchased that were hardly even used - something we all can relate to at times. Various translations and the meaning of the root words relate to the foolish one spending all their income as soon as they made it, spending whatever they get.

    Your income level is not as important as your spending habits. The scripture did not speak to how much one earned, the focus was on how it was handled... wisely or wasted.

    The wise person in the verse arrived there by not being self-confident, but relying on and following God's instruction. We are encouraged in Proverbs 7 to keep His teachings as the apple of our eye, written on the tablets of our heart, and to keep my commandments and live.

    However, in the modern robust use of credit cards, it can easily be worse for us than the fool in Proverbs. The quick acquisition of items with cards give the illusion you have something when you really don't have the money to pay for it. And with the exorbitant interest rates charged, even more money is being wasted beyond the cost of the items. Consider this, if you charge with your credit cards and cannot live within your income this month, how will you live within your income the following month(s) when the bills come in with the interest added?

    As we are into the Christmas Season, you may be considering gifts for others that are beyond your means. Although your heart may be wanting to give, I encourage you to be prudent and sober, assessing whether you have the money to afford it. 

    With many more purchases being made at this time, it is also easy to lose track so I encourage to take a few minutes and do this one step multiple times this month... go online and see what your credit card(s) balances actually are - as opposed to waiting for the bill to arrive. That step will at least allow you to know where you actually stand, and can make informed decisions about how much you can spend.

    When you go shopping at the stores or online, beyond your gift list, also take with you the Holy Spirit. For you can receive direction in a moment of what to do or not do, if you ask. Be sensitive to the Spirit providing you with direction.

    Lastly, be encouraged that it is God's Will to take care of you:

"And my God will liberally supply your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,






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