Jan 1, 2022

2022 & Unity


2022 & Unity

    Jesus stated in Mark 3:25 that "If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand." He also included before and after this that the same result will be true for a kingdom, and for Satan - that if it is divided it will not last.

    Let's focus in on how this and other scriptures apply to having unity in our finances.

    Simply put, a household cannot achieve reduction and eventually freedom from debt if there are "splinters" occurring willfully - should one spouse choose to continually make large, extravagant, and unnecessary purchases, even though the other spouse is trying maintain a prudent course, or if the children receive every item they want regardless of reason.

    This occurred for some time with the person who taught the Debt-Free & Prosperous Living course to me and my wife in Minnesota in 1999, and one who I am in deep gratitude towards... Dan Wieczorek. His wife Susan was not "on board" for a period of time, which resulted in them spinning their wheels, but eventually that changed and once both spouses were rowing in the same direction, they achieved freedom from debt.

    We've seen the division principal from that scripture shown before us - in companies, political parties and sports teams, to name a few. To the degree those splinters and eventual footholds occur, the downward trajectory of that unit is hastened until it does not stand.

    An organization or team can have a mission statement or philosophy to direct their efforts, but we as believers have something much more powerful... the Word of God. It speaks to us in the direction to go for our finances... to first honor God with our tithes and offerings, to be generous to others in need, prudent and sober in our spending so we spend less than we make and to trust in God and not in riches.

    So to achieve this "rowing in the same direction", the main focus is for all members of the household to follow God's Word together. 

    I want to take the liberty of extrapolating some with Ephesians 2:14, which is about harmony between Jews and Gentiles. However in this example I wish for you to please regard He (Jesus) to be the Word, which after all He is described as to be. And that the harmony sought is within a household instead.

    "For He is (Himself) our peace (our bond of unity and harmony). He has made us both (Jew and Gentile) one (body), and has broken down (destroyed, abolished) the hostile dividing wall between us."

    If a family seeks this peace - a bond of unity and harmony through understanding and submitting to God's Word, it will make that family one body, and there will be no wall dividing them.

    What does this look like in practical terms handling finances? Husband and wife communicating together on a regular basis, sharing what each of their needs and wants are. Taking the time to go over past spending and looking ahead to future commitments, planning to be reasonably certain they can meet them. Praying individually and together to understand God's will for their finances, including major purchases.

    This includes getting our children involved, listening to their desires and explaining to them some times that Mommy and Daddy cannot make a certain purchase at this time because they are "listening to and obeying God", but that the time may be right for the purchase in the future. Explain how there are things Mommy and Daddy both wish to have, but that they are both being patient in waiting for the right time to have them also.

    When moving through the process of paying off debts - (if you wish to view the step-by-step plan, click on the Archives to July 2021 of the post titled "Diligent to Know", or even better... enroll in a free 3-hour class) you may be denying yourself, or members of your family certain things temporarily in order to move forward. Dan taught to pick out some pay-off milestones to reward yourself and your family for following the plan. 

    Lay out this reward plan to the entire family when you begin...when you pay off the first credit card, go out for a real big night on the town or buy something special for the kids. When the car payment is retired, have a weekend getaway everyone would enjoy. And when the final mortgage payment is made... go ALL OUT and promise your kids they can go to Disneyworld or someplace that will blow them away. Your kids will want to help in any way imaginable if that promise is before them and it will bring you to that milestone that much faster as a family to celebrate!

Footnote: I just learned that Dan passed away last month at the age of 76. He left a legacy of households that had changed financial lives as a result of his courses for many years.

    Lastly, take this verse with you in your goal to have family financial unity in 2022:

"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." (Colossians 3:14)

God Bless you may He show Himself greatly to you,


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