May 6, 2023

In Everything


In Everything

    "Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God."

    This familiar verse from Philippians 4, if followed, will literally take us and carry us from our current condition - perhaps on a winding and unpredictable road as shown above, through to the "other side" in every matter including with our finances.

    . Are you experiencing anxiety with your finances? Come to the Lord with your cares, for God dearly cares about you and He is listening. Paul states that we come "with thanksgiving". If it is a struggle currently, it may be a challenge for you to find things to be thankful for, but pause and think and locate some area(s) to bring thanks to God for - and you can always refer to what Jesus said in Luke 10:20, "...but rejoice that your names are enrolled in heaven."

    Just as Paul conveyed here, "in every circumstance and in everything", he meant exactly that. Regardless if it is a large need or small - bring it before the Lord. It may begin with your occupation, asking God to provide wisdom for solving a problem or helping grow your company - which can lead to your being rewarded, or it could be deciding whether to pursue a new position at your employer or elsewhere.

    After you've earned your wages, lean on the Lord and His Holy Spirit to bring wisdom in making wise purchases... or in not making certain purchases at all. When it is something substantial or requires a lengthy commitment, those are the most important times to bring the situation before Him, and wait until you receive peace to go in a certain direction. Taking that time you can test if your desire continues for the purchase or if it drifts away. Waiting also may allow the Lord to open a different door in His timing, but we'll lose that opportunity if we do not wait upon Him.

--On the topic of waiting, I encourage you to click on the Archives section at the right side of this page to the March 2017 post, titled "Wait and Move".--

    For moving towards freedom from debts, humbly ask God to bring you wisdom for what areas of spending that changes can be made. Be open to His leading, as it may be in categories you had not considered before, or may require you to do something your pride and your flesh will resist, but in the end God's wisdom will triumph and show its enormous value.

    Paul also used the word "wants", as in "making your wants known to God". This word is significant in showing God's overflowing and abundant generosity - as the word chosen was not "needs", it was "wants". The Greek word relates to ask, beg, call for, crave, desire, require, in addition to request. God is inviting us to bring our desires before Him... beyond our needs. The key then is for our desires to be for right things that agree with God's will. That is the progression of the promise found in Psalm 37:4 - "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."

    It is written that God desires us to be free of debts, so we know we can bring this before the Lord to lead us towards freedom from them, and He will do so. Make this part of your petition and "definite requests" to Him. 

    Lastly, in your time of waiting for God to answer your prayers, keep close to these encouraging verses from Lamentations 3:25-26:

"The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord."

God Bless you and my He show Himself greatly to you,




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