Jun 1, 2023

Good Soil


Good Soil

    "As for what was sown on good soil, this is he who hears the Word and grasps and comprehends it; he indeed bears fruit and yields in once case a hundred times as much as was sown, in another sixty times as much, and in another thirty."

    This verse from Matthew 13, spoken by Jesus, came at the conclusion of his thoughts regarding how people respond to hearing about the kingdom of God and the Word of God. Today, let's see how this relates to our finances.

    Jesus described the person with good soil as one who grasped and comprehended the Word. 

    It shows the reaction of one who realized that the Word was of great value - and something of more value than what they currently believed, so they grasped it. Think of how people will flock to purchase a new technology or wear a new fashion... but for these people who grasped the Word of God, they knew it carried much greater importance, including eternal salvation.

    He also said they comprehended the Word. The root of the word used includes to consider, understand and to put together. It shows a desire to dig deeper, to meditate, to ask "how can I apply this to my life?" In living this out there is certainly more time devoted to it than simply hearing it at the onset.

    I'll share briefly what my wife Karen and I did when we received the revelation that God wanted us to be debt-free, that He was on our side 100%, and how we grasped and comprehended the Word. This was after we went to a debt-freedom class and realized the concepts lined up with God's Word.

    We took all of our savings down to the last $200 and put it towards our mortgage. Karen said she felt more peace at that time than ever before, because she had hope. I chose to take a second and third part-time job, and Karen a second part-time job to help pay down our debts even faster.

    You may not choose to push as hard as we did, however you can still grasp and comprehend the Word, and move towards becoming debt-free.

    The second portion of the verse mentions yielding fruit - thirty, sixty and even a hundred times as much. You can and are achieving that yielding of fruit as you give to the Lord in your tithes and offerings. 

    First, looking at our home church, your giving partners in proclaiming the gospel out to not only our community, but on our web broadcasts to reach those in other areas. Our church sows seed into numerous missionaries across the globe - to places you have not seen, but your giving has reached the people of those lands, having an impact on their lives eternally. And looking ahead, your giving helps nurture and establish Godly foundations in our children in their teachings each Sunday, with that bringing forth fruit now and in the generation to come.

    Even in our recent giving to provide food to the kids of a nearby elementary school, it conveys the love of Jesus towards those parents and their children, something that shines even brighter in this time of the world trying to remove God from its mindset.

    I'll share briefly again how God has shown His truth to us in this verse of yielding fruit. After we became debt-free, our pastor heard of it and said "you have to teach us what you learned". So we studied the class materials, acquired textbooks and added to the teaching many scriptures related to debt and finances which inspired us, kept our focus and encouraged us. We included these scriptures in the materials for all to take home, so everyone could have that support available going forward.

    After that first class at our home church, our pastor said "you have to teach this to other churches". So we contacted other pastors and taught the class at dozens of churches in Minnesota, Colorado and Wyoming. We received numerous testimonies back from households that paid off their credit cards, cars, and even retired their mortgages. We firmly believe that beyond the concepts of the class, it is in the supporting scriptures that have led and sustained many to follow-through and achieve victories in their finances. 

    God and God's Word are very, very good. However, it requires our soil to be right for that seed to perform its work.

    Lastly, be encouraged that in making the right choice to have good soil (grasping and comprehending God's Word), that its value is permanent and lasting - "But few things are needed--or indeed only, one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:42)

God Bless you and may He show Himself greatly to you,


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